Monday, November 25, 2019

5 Reasons why you need Ayurveda this Monsoon

Monsoon season in Kerala is the best time for Ayurveda treatments! Ayurveda, the science of life, originated years ago in India. It involves maintaining a perfect balance of mind, body, and soul for the general well-being. Today, Ayurveda is considered an alternative medicine that has no side effects. Wetzlar Resort brings to you 5 Reasons why you need Ayurveda this Monsoon...

In your day-to-day life toxins and pollutants accumulate in your system and if it exceeds a certain level it gives rise to allergies, body pains, swellings, depression, and even auto-immune disorders. Ayurveda strives to mobilize the toxins in your body and eliminate them through channels of cleansing. Monsoon is the best time to detox.

Monsoon is also the best time when the human body is more receptive to Ayurvedic medicines than at any other time of the year. The body absorbs anything applied to it, quickly and efficiently during this period.

1. The Rain heals
The rain showers make the ayurvedic medicinal herbs thrive well. The monsoon season offers the best conditions for classical ayurvedic treatments in Kochi, as the herbs used can be picked fresh and in full bloom at their most potent during the monsoons.

2. Fresh Air & Clear Skin
The rainfall clears the dust from the atmosphere leaving it moist and fresh. This causes skin pores to open and makes the skin more susceptible to the cleansing ayurvedic remedies.

3. Comfortable Temperatures for all Dosha types
During the Monsoons The physical immunity of a person is at its lowest. This may lead to the aggravation of Tridoshas - Vata, Pitha & Kapha. The Monsoon temperatures are suitable for every Dosha type and it is the ideal time to flush out all impurities from the body and bring back the immune system to normal.

4. A Relaxing Atmosphere
The monsoon season is the best time to escape the crowds and enjoy a peaceful ayurvedic stay. As it is raining many tourists stay away and it is less crowded. Plus, less demand means lower prices.

5. Effectiveness of treatments
Kerala Ayurvedic massage therapies Kochi help to increase blood circulation to rejuvenate and refresh the body. Most Ayurvedic treatments are more effective during the monsoon months.

Ancient Ayurveda Acharyas had taken note of the special use of the Monsoon and they suggested preventive and curative treatments for this season called Karkidaka Chikitsa. Avail Monsoon treatments at Wetzlar Ayurvedic and Wellness Resort in Kochi and get your body back into shape.

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